Adventurer's Handbook is an ongoing for-profit, SFW zine about Genshin theorycrafting — a broad term used to describe discovering game mechanics and optimizing gameplay to maximize outcomes.Now planning volume 2!Ready to dive in? Ad Astra Abyssosque!

For more information, please read our info doc.If you have any questions, feel free to go through our RetroSpring, DM us on Twitter, or email us at [email protected]

Interest CheckJan 21 - Feb 18
Writer AppsFeb 25 - Mar 17
Artist AppsMar 31 - Apr 28
PitchesMay 12
Check-in 1May 26
Check-in 2Jun 23
Check-in 3Jul 21
Final SubmissionAug 11
Pre-OrdersSep 1 - 29

Hello we're back for more >:)


pfp by Orri


Head, Shipping, Social Media


Formatting, Graphics

the first time i went to the spiral abyss i icewalked because i didn’t know there was a portal :)


my brain is too smooth to do anything other than unga bunga and stare at flashing lights




Born to :3, forced to work


Writer applications are open until March 17! Apply here.

    What will this zine be looking for in writer apps?

    • Interest in theorycrafting

    • Strong understanding of Genshin Impact gameplay and synergy

    • Experience writing guides or theorycrafting content preferred

    What will this zine be looking for in artist apps?

    A short summary of what we are looking for in both page and merch artists includes:

    • Portfolios should include at least 4 pieces of art

    • 3 finished pieces of art, at least one with a background

    • At least 1 Genshin Impact piece

    • Understanding of dynamic/combat poses

    • Good use of color and composition

    • General knowledge of anatomy

    What is a zine?

    A zine, short for ‘magazine’, is a collection of fan-made art and writing, put into a PDF and/or book format. It is a group project compiling different pieces from all of its contributors. They are commonly on limited print sales and can come with various merch items as well.

    Is this handbook for-profit or non-profit?

    This handbook will be a for-profit physical zine! All travelers who are involved in the making of this handbook will be compensated, should the zine break even.

    What will the compensation look like?

    All travelers (contributors and mods alike) are guaranteed a pdf copy of our zine. We aim to be able to fund a free physical zine for all contributors, with the hopes of upgrading to a free full bundle. Any excess profit will be split evenly between contributors and mods.

    Will ships be allowed?

    As our zine is focused on theorycrafting, there will be no ships involved.

    How many artists will be accepted into the zine?

    We are looking to accept ~30 page artists to travel with us.

    How many merch artists will be included?

    We’re looking for ~5 travelers to help with our merchandise.

    What type of merch will be in the zine?

    As of now, we are awaiting interest check results before determining our final merch lineup.